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Precision prevention network: new pathway for supporting women victims of violence


Ann Ist Super Sanita. 2024 Jul-Sep;60(3):234-238. doi: 10.4415/ANN_24_03_09.


INTRODUCTION: Violence against women (VAW) is a persistent global public health problem that runs across all social classes and ethnicities with a considerable negative influence on women’s health and behaviour. Early detection, appropriate interventions and multidisciplinary cooperation are crucial factors in tackling gender violence.

OBJECTIVES: This note describes “The Violence against women: long-term health effects for precision prevention” transdisciplinary and multicenter project that aims to implement the National Guidelines with two sets of questions: the European Injury Database (EU-IDB) violence module and the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) questionnaire for improving innovative approaches to limit the long-term health effect of VAW. Furthermore, the analysis of epigenetic profile in women’s DNA may contribute to the knowledge of molecular mechanisms underlying PTSD and other non-communicable diseases. Epigenomic research in parallel with rigourous guidelines and social, educational, clinical and community interventions could accomplish innovative precision prevention protocols.

CONCLUSIONS: Public health plays essential role in identifying risk factors and strengthening the support for women victims of violence.

PMID:39269005 | DOI:10.4415/ANN_24_03_09

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