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Proteomic characterization of the medial prefrontal cortex in chronic restraint stress mice


J Proteomics. 2024 Aug 12:105278. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2024.105278. Online ahead of print.


Depression is a prominent contributor to global disability. A growing body of data suggests that depression is associated with the pathophysiology of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Mice were subjected to chronic restraint stress (CRS) for 3 weeks to create depression models during this investigation. Protein tandem mass tag (TMT) quantification and LC-MS/MS analysis were conducted to examine proteome patterns. Afterwards, to further explore the enrichment of differential proteins and the signaling pathways involved, we annotated these differentially expressed proteins. We confirmed that CRS mice developed depression-like and anxiety-like behaviors. Among the 8081 measured proteins, a total of 15 proteins were found to be differentially expressed. These proteins exhibited functional enrichment in a variety of biological functions, and among these pathways, alterations in synaptic function and autophagy are noteworthy. In addition, we identified a differentially expressed protein called Wnt2b and found that CRS may disrupt synaptic plasticity by affecting the activation of the Wnt2b/β-catenin pathway. Our findings showed depression-like behaviors in the CRS mouse model and molecular alterations in the mPFC, which may help explain the pathogenesis of depression and identify novel antidepressant medication targets. SIGNIFICANCE: Depression is a prevalent and frequent chronic mental illness and is now a significant contributor to global disability. In this study, we used chronic restraint stress to establish a mouse model of depression, and differentially expressed proteins in the medial prefrontal cortex of depressed model mice were detected by TMT proteomics. Our study verified the presence of altered synaptic function and excessive autophagy in the mPFC of CRS-induced mice from a proteomic perspective. Furthermore, we demonstrated that CRS may disrupt synaptic plasticity by affecting the activation of the Wnt2b/β-catenin pathway, which may be a key link in the pathogenesis of depression and may provide new insights for identifying new antidepressant drug targets.

PMID:39142625 | DOI:10.1016/j.jprot.2024.105278

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